Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Snakes in the Nile

There are many snakes living in and around the Nile.  There are poisonous snakes and water snakes.  Some posionous snakes are the Black Mamba, The Puff Adder, The Boomsang, The Gaboon Viper, The Egyptian Cobra, The Carpet Viper, The Cape Cobra, and the Eastern Green Mamba.  Here are some water snakes the Cottonmouth Water Moccosin, The Brown Water Snake, and copper heads.  Of course the snakes that you  might live around depends on where you actually do live.


  1. wow i never thought there where so many snakes in Africa and now i know that! thanks! thats a lot of information about them mabey i could use that on my blog and i hope your blog goes well!
